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In Peru, apachetas are more than just stacks of stones; they are a window into the ancient spiritual and cultural traditions of the Andean people. Apachetas are stone towers erected as a form of tribute to the mountains and spirits of the land.

Roughly translated from quechua, Apacheta means “the source where the flow begins,” and marks high points along the mountain path. However, the real value of Apachetas was spiritual, and the piles were used to commune with a higher power while miles above the sea in the mountains. (Oil paint of the  Apacheta and behind la Cordillera de Vilcabamba)

Welcome to Perfect Fit Travels, a travel agency based in beautiful Southern California, specializing in creating unforgettable travel experiences worldwide! We have come together with a shared passion for exploring the most fascinating corners of the planet and founding a company dedicated to making our clients' travel dreams a reality.

Our approach allows us to collaborate with top-tier operators and expert guides to offer a variety of unforgettable adventures. From challenging mountain challenges to experiences of spiritual connection with nature, unique opportunity to rejuvenate your spirit.

Additionally, we take care to connect our travelers with remote villages rich in history and culture, where they can immerse themselves in authentic experiences and enjoy delicious local cuisine. Whether you're planning a family vacation, a romantic getaway, or the adventure of a lifetime, we are committed to providing you with exceptional service and making every moment of your trip unforgettable. Join us and discover the world with a new perspective! Your adventure awaits!

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Do you have any special wishes? Traveling with your pet? You want get married? Or maybe a second honeymoon? We’ll make it happen!