Ausangate Lodge to Lodge

A five-day breathtaking trek in the Cordillera Vilcanota, on a route we call the “Camino Del Apu Ausangate” located in close proximity to the highest sacred mountain in the Cusco region. The “Apu” is the bearer of life and the guardian of one of the most pristine mountain ecosystems in the world. Our treks will be accompanied by llamas and horses that will carry our gear, and are owned by shepherds of the community of Chillca, who are proud to share their land with us, as well as the Spirit of their inspiring world.

Our treks will be accompanied by llamas and horses that will carry our gear. These are owned by shepherds of the community of Chillca who are proud to share their land with us, as well as the Spirit of their inspiring world. On our hikes and in our unique “Tambos” or Andean Lodges, daily meals will be prepared by experienced chefs who will introduce you to a great variety of delicious Peruvian dishes and produce, and for your entertainment: authentic vernacular music, played by local inhabitants, will liven up some of our evenings at the “tambos.”

  • In a comfortable coach we headed along the Vilcanota River to visit the temple of Checacupe, then the upper valley of Pitumarca. At Japura, we'll trek a short distance to Chillca. Locals and musicians playing Andean instruments greet us in your first “Andean Lodge”, as we sip coca tea. Hot showers and full bathrooms as well as 8 double and matrimonial bedrooms are available. We emphasize tasty and nutritious local cuisine (such as Alpaca meat) but vegetarian and other preferences are welcome

  • After breakfast we trek alongside thousands of alpacas and llamas in the glacier valley of Phinaya. On the way to more glaciers at Santa Catalina, we climbed by the inspiring Pjachaj waterfalls. Above, our picnic lunch awaits us. Then, surrounded by moraine walls, glaciers, and lagoons we walk about 5 hours to Machuracay Tambo. Our bags, carried by a llama caravan, meet us there and the family that runs the lodge will welcome us.

  • Today we took our first mountain pass (16 587 ft.) which has spectacular panoramic views. Descending alongside the glaciers, we hiked to the Ausangate Cocha Lake for lunch.

    Here, the landscape dramatically shifts due to the existence of red sandstone formations where we will see vicuñas and sometimes condors. After a day of great hiking, we arrive at the third “Andean Lodge” ready to relax and enjoy.

  • After breakfast, we took the trail to another mountain pass. Dropping down, we'll hike by Lake Kayrawiri, surrounded by rugged mountain peaks and the great valley below. Striations of color are imbedded in the hillsides. Then we go on to Cerro Laya Grande via massive glacier del Inca and find the most striking colors in the sediments of Vinicunca (recently known as the “Rainbow Mountain”). We eat lunch here while taking in this unique landscape. On our way to the fourth Andean Lodge we may see hundreds of Andean geese nesting on the cliffs of Anta, and the flatiron formations of Apu Labrayani near Huampococha Tambo where we will spend the night.

  • As we hike up; enjoying a great view of the mountains, we reach the top of our final pass. It’s all downhill from here! We encounter some of the most capricious shapes of limestone formations from the Cretaceous age and hike until the end of the trail in Trapiche. Here, we have lunch and return by bus to Cusco while reminiscing on the wonderful experiences we shared in the Andes.

What’s included

  • Organization in general.

• Services of expert guides in high mountain hiking.

• Private transportation from Cusco to Chillca and back from Congomire to Cusco.

• Accommodation in double rooms.

• Breakfasts and dinners served at the lodges, snacks and lunches served along the way.

• Waterproof bags (for luggage loaded by flames).

• First aid equipment and oxygen.


What’s not included

• Flights to or from Peru/Cusco, or any kind of additional transportation, before, during or after the conclusion of the program.

• Travel insurance

• Gratuity to staff.


  • A climatization period is essential for enjoying adventures in high mountains. We can help you to make the best of your time during this initial phase, and to stay healthy throughout the trip. All travelers who trek the Apu Ausangate Route must take a prior 3 to 4-day climatization period to allow for enjoying the trek at over 5,000 m. without experiencing any health problems. Additionally, hike participants must be in good health and physically fit to carry out trekking activities. Symptoms of altitude sickness, known in Peru as soroche, can sometimes occur at altitudes above 3,000 meters. The most common symptoms include: headache, loss of appetite, dizziness and difficulty sleeping, among others. To alleviate such ailments, you can follow these simple but important suggestions for the climatization phase: get good rest, take light walks, eat a light diet and drink large amounts of water, along with coca leaf tea; avoiding alcohol consumption during the first few days is also very important. Prior to your departure, we suggest you consult with your doctor to ask about medicinal products recommended for high altitude, such as Diamox. If you’d like to obtain more detailed information and suggestions regarding medical issues during travel, please contact us


  • A challenging, and occasionally harsh climate; a perfect setting for adventures in high mountains. In the high Andean zone, days are mostly beautiful and sunny, with light to swift winds in the mornings. Temperatures range between 0° to 23 ° C during the day, and travelers must be prepared to experience changing temperatures and diverse weather conditions. At this latitude only two climate seasons occur: dry season from June through September, and rainy season, which is subject to heavy rains from November through April. Due to seasonal conditions, we recommend that you travel between April and November, when you’ll have the best chances for excellent weather - perfect for enjoying hikes and other activities. During the dry season, temperatures below zero are frequent at night, with milder temperatures during the day. Maximum daytime temperatures during dry season: Between 12 C° and 20 C°. Minimum nighttime temperatures: between 5 C° and -5 C°. Our four ecolodges along the Ausangate Route are well-equipped with all the necessary safeguards and everything our travelers need to enjoy a comfortable rest under most any weather conditions.


Choquekirao to Macchu Picchu


Ausangate Camping