Inca Trail Glamping

Learn about our services

  • At 7:30 a.m. in the morning, we will pick you by private vehicle from your hotel in Cusco for a comprehensive Sacred Valley tour that will end at our exclusive Inca Trail Base Camp. This is the natural and most efficient way to get close to the trail head while getting acclimatized, minimizing road travel and becoming familiar with Inca trails. We will drive over the “Ccorao” pass above Cusco to descend on a winding road to the Sacred Valley of the Incas. Here we will hike on Inca trails leading to the magnificent Inca citadel of PISAC: Considered as one of the outstanding Inca remains because of the qualityof the stonework and breath-taking location on a mountain saddle overlooking the Sacred Valley. After a 1 ½ hour hike and visit, we will drive down the mountain for a short visit to the colonial town of the same name and their famous Indian handicraft market. Afterwards we will drive following the Urubamba River downstream to the city of Urubamba; here we will visit the local food market and have a private lunch at the local Hacienda “Marcabamba”. Afterwards, we will visit Ollantaytambo, considered the most authentic living Inca town. This town has been continuously inhabited since Inca times until present, conserving its original urban layout and many stone walled homes. A guided walking tour through the extensive ruins and cobblestone paved narrow streets will make you feel like you are travelling back in time. From here, we will travel for 40 minutes on a rural road to our beautifully situated permanent Inca Trail Base camp at Km. 82, set on the banks of the Urubamba River, very close to the entrance to the trail. Located at 2700 meters above sea level (8,900 feet), it offers indoor plumbing, hot showers and a firewood sauna. From the camp, we also enjoy panoramic views of the snow-capped Mt. Veronica (20,275'). This exclusive private campsite is the resting point before all our Inca Trail treks and is a wonderful place to relax and prepare for the challenge ahead. L, D.

  • A buffet breakfast will get you ready to start your trek. After we introduce you to our crew and Porters, we will walk over to the Inca trail control station, here we quickly go through the entrance control procedure and begin our trek following the right bank of the Urubamba River. After 20 minutes of gentle hiking, we reach the well-preserved archaeological complex of Salapunku to begin an exciting day of exploration. We will hike on an Inca trail parallel to the Urubamba River and the railroad tracks; observe the ancient geoglyphs on the cliff, the Inca stone channel bringing water from the glacier and visit the several small, interesting Inca remains of Torontoy and Q’anabamba, before we reach Qoriwayrachina “The place where Inca’s panned Gold”; we walk down a stone stairway to reach the hanging bridge built upon solid Inca foundations and cross to the other side of the Vilcanota River. A short hike takes us to our private campsite (it belongs to a local family), right across a stream from the impressive Inca citadel of Llactapata. At camp, we will enjoy a delicious lunch and have the afternoon to visit the Llactapata remains. We also have to option to hike further and explore Machu Q’ente (Old Hummingbird) Inca ruins (2.5 hour hike). A delicious diner before we settle for the night at this beautiful site. B, L, D.

    Total distance: 11.9 km (7,47 miles)

    Estimated walking time: 5-6 hours

    Maximum altitude point: 2,650 m (8,745 ft)

    Campsite altitude: 2,600 m (8,520 ft)

  • Today is a challenging experience. Early wake up to enjoy a nutritious breakfast that will give us the energy to hike on ascending trails towards our highest campsite at Llullucchapampa (3,900 meters 12,870 feet above sea level). We will hike at our own pace; you will find yourself in search for your own rhythm while enjoying the changes in the environment as we get higher. We will pass by the village of Huayllabamba where the last of the farms are located and allowed in the Machu Picchu Park protected area. As we get higher, we can enjoy breath-taking views of the Andes mountains and the changes in vegetation, we will find a good spot to have a picnic lunch with a view of the Huayllanay snow peak in the distance. A healthy and plentiful lunch will be served by our crew, a few moments to relax and later continue further until we reach the forest of endangered Polilepis native trees. Interesting shapes of the trees and density of the forest plus the winding trail makes this an incredibly special place and unique in the Inca Trail. Once we are above the forest you can clearly observe we are getting above the tree line, and this is where we camp for the night at Llullucchapampa. B, L, D.

    Total distance: 9 Km km (5,62 miles)

    Estimated walking time: 7-8 hours

    Maximum altitude point: 3,840 m (12,682 ft)

    Campsite altitude: 3,840 m (12,682 ft)

  • An energy packed and healthy breakfast prepares us for day of challenge. Today, we make a final effort to reach our highest point on the trek: the Warmiwañusta pass (Dead Woman’s pass) at 4,200 meters (13,860 feet). From this point on, it will seem nice and easy to the end. Overwhelmed by the unparalleled views of faraway snow peaks and deep valleys, we’ll take time to enjoy the special moment and for the classic group picture before we start our descend to the Pacaymayu Valley, meet the original (unrestored) cobblestone Inca Trail and ascend to the “Runkuracay” Inca remains on our way to the 2nd pass at 3,950 meters (13,035 feet). Again, incredible views mark our way into the nicely and purposely leveled trail where well-preserved remains show masterful Inca engineering. You can’t avoid the feeling of walking back in time into the magnificent Inca World. A clear, easy and cobblestone paved trail will lead us through the remains of “Sayajmarca” to enjoy its interesting Organic Architecture, the dry lake of “Chaquikocha”, through a natural tunnel, to finally reach our last but most beautiful campsite: The City Above the Clouds or “Phuyupatamarca” at 3,680 meters or 12,144 feet. We have enough time to soak up some of the magical charm of this marvellous campsite. B, L, D.

    Total distance: 12 km (7.5 miles)

    Estimated walking time: 5-6 hours

    Maximum altitude point: 4,200m (12,956 ft)

    Campsite altitude: 3,700 m (12,136 ft)

  • The views of the sacred mountain Salkantay and the spectacular sunrise at "Phuyupatamarca" are considered the highlights of the trek. We will wake up early to watch the sun rise with the exciting idea in mind that today we will arrive at Machu Picchu, the lost city of the Incas. After breakfast, we say goodbye to our crew and porters and have the opportunity to tip them voluntarily. After breakfast, we hike through lush high jungle terrain for a couple of hours. We descend down a cobbled path with numerous amazing stairs, a small tunnel and several observation terraces. We will arrive at the ruins of Wiñay Wayna (FOREVER YOUNG) to visit this outstanding Inca site and have lunch nearby. We continue to Inti Punku or PUERTA AL SOL. From here, we first see the spectacular city of Machu Picchu below us. After catching our breath and taking memorable photographs, we'll quickly descend along the wide royal road of Inca to enter the mysterious citadel. Here we will have a detailed tour of the site at a less crowded time of the day and enjoy marveling in the midst of its eternal beauty. Take the bus down to the town of Aguas Calientes. We will spend the night in the town of Aguas Caliente, but not before enjoying a delicious dinner B, L, D

    Total Distance: 11 km (6.84 miles)

    Estimated walking time: 5 hours

    Maximum Altitude Point: 3,700 m (12,136 ft)

    Altitude of Machu Picchu: 2,400 m (7,872 ft)

  • Early we get ready to check out of the hotel and take the bus up to the Archaeological Center of Machu Picchu, guided tour of the citadel. Then we will take the bus down to the town, to have lunch, take a light break or visit the artisan market of Aguas Calientes, followed by take our train back to the town of Ollantaytambo, where a private bus awaits us that will take us to the city of Cusco

    NOTE: If you wish to climb the mountain of Huayna Picchu, you must communicate in advance, to include a permit and additional cost.

    Expect to be at your hotel in Cusco late that night. B, L.

What’s included

  • In-depth tour of the Sacred Valley with lunch

    and transfer by private vehicle to Km.82

  • Permits/entrance to the Inca Trail and Machu Picchu.

  • Accommodation on our exclusive Inca Trail Glamping the first night, and the rest in top quality tents of 2 people.

  • Tasty healthy meals mentioned as B, L, D at the end of each day in the itinerary.

  • Official bilingual English-Spanish guides (other languages on request).

  • Service of experienced camp staff: cook, assistants, porters.

  • All the camping and cooking equipment of the group carried by porters.

  • Dining tent: With tables and tablecloths, chairs and all cutleries.

  • Toilet tent with biodegradable chemical toilet.

  • Comprehensive General Tourist Tickets for Cusco and Sacred Valley

  • Sleeping bag and mat.

  • Last day accommodation in a Inkaterra 5*Hotel

  • Return train from Machu Picchu to Cusco (Economic Services). We are currently booking all our passengers on a return train departing from Macchu Picchu at 7pm. You can expect to arrive at your hotel in Cusco around 10:30 p.m.

  • Extra Porter, they will carry their personal belongings in a duffel bag up to a maximum of 10 kg per person, including the sleeping bag and mat.

What’s not included

  • Optional and voluntary gratuities to staff.

  • Travel Insurance


·        Students under 25 years old: 50% entrance fee to the Inca Trail. Students need a valid "ISIC" international student identity card  and must be under the age of 25 (please note that youth travel cards are not valid).

·        Discount for young people and children from 8 to 15 years old: 50% entrance fee to the Inca Trail. A scanned and valid copy of the passport is required.

·        Children up to 7 years old: Enter the Inca Trail for FREE. A scanned and valid copy of the passport is required.


All documents needed to get discounts must be scanned (clean enlarged copy, please) and emailed before we purchase the permits (at the time of booking), otherwise you will not be able to get the discount.


Salcantay to MachuPicchu Lodge by Lodge


Inca Trail Classic