Interoceanica Road Birding Tour

  • We departed from Cusco early in the morning, then we birding at Huacarpay wetland this morning. The wetland is good for typical Andean waterbirds like Bearded Mountaineer, Rusty Fronted Canastero, creamy crested Spinetail, Streak Fronted Thornbird, Nothura, Giant Hummingbird and more. Then, we will move to Laguna Ampatunes, our next stop, where we can watch the following important birds: Crested Duck, Giant Coot, Andean Ibis, Andean Hillstar, Andean Negrito,etc. After it we have a delicious and healthy picnic The birding adventure continues to Culebrayoc sector, which is characterized by medium height cloud forest, here we can watch interesting birds like Green and white Hummingbird, Black Eared Hemispingus, Capped Conebill, and much more Overnight at Kuporo Lodge.

    Meals: picnic-lunch and dinner.

  • We wake up at Kuporo lodge which is characterized as a forest of pre-plain amazon hills that make birding even more intense. The lodge is strategically located at an altitude of 730 meters, consequently, it holds different types of habitats that we will explore the next few days. During the day around the lodge, we could find Rufous Vented Ground Cuckoo, Wire Crested Thorntail, Scarled Hooded Barbet, Amazonian Umbrellabird, American Pygmy Kingfisher, Brown winged Schiffornis, and many others. We finish our day in a higher elevation sector called “Capire”. There, the cloud forest offers a different set of birds, such: Torrent Duck, Torrent Tyrannulet, White capped Dipper, Fasciated Tiger Heron, and much more. Overnight at: Kuporo lodge.

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • After breakfast, we will drive up the road at around 3100 meters of elevation. At these elevations the cloud forest offers a different set of birds, for example: Tufted Tit Tyrant, Superciliared and Three striped Hemispingus, Urubamba Antpitta, Diademed Tapaculo, Blue Backed Conebill, Mountain Wren, and much more. Then we move to the Lek 167, where there is a Cock Of the Rock spot. Overnight at Kuporo lodge.

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • Today we will have a full day birding in Soqtapara conservation project, this sector is a cloud forest ravine where it’s not difficult to find birds like Black Tinamou, Peruvian Piedtail, Green and White Hummingbird, Blue Headed Macaw, Military Macaw, and others. Overnight at Kuporo lodge.

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • Today, we leave early to reach lower elevations, so that we can seize the day. First we go to a

    secondary forest of Amazonian Pre-plain hill sector called San Lorenzo where we can find species such: Koepcke Hermit, Rusty Fronted Tody Flycatcher, Black Backed Tody Flycatcher, Cabani Spinetail, among others. We continue to lowland forests that are in a lower section called “Sachavacayoc” who have a different set of birds such: Razor Billed Curassow, Western Striolated Puffbird, Short Tailed Pygmy Tyrant, Musician Wren and many more. Overnight at Sachavacayoc lodge .

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • Early start by boat to Collpa Chuncho into the Tambopata National Reserve, nice breakfast included with spectacular parrots and macaws activity, here we can observe birds such: Orinoco Goose, Horned Sreamer, Blue Headed Macaw After this marvelous hours, we transferred to laguna tres chimbadas, where we can find birds like Hoatzin, Rufescent Tiger Heron,Wattled Jacana, King Vulture, Azure Gallinule, and many more. Overnight at Sachavacayoc lodge .

    Meals: Breakfast, lunch, dinner.

  • Today, we start our day in Sachavacayoc lodge. we birding in this area and for example, we could find Razor Billed Curassow, Western Striolated Puffbird, Short Tailed Pygmy Tyrant, Musician Wren and Many More. We have lunch at the lodge In the afternoon, We take the boat back to Puerto maldonado.

    Meals: Breakfast and lunch.


  • Overnight in two lodges (Kuporo lodge and Tambopata Reservelodge), mentioned meals, trail guides, excursions and private transportation.


  • Tips and Extras.


Andes to High & Low Rainforest